Y-Smart dusted off the gazebo and headed to Belmont Park this weekend to take part in the fabulous Exeter Respect Festival. With the festival holding the tagline “All Different, All Equal,” this felt like a great place for us to … Continue reading
What does Y-SMART mean to me?
Some messages from young people who have used our service, and professionals who signpost to us, about what Y-SMART means to them.
Y-SMART turns 20!
Y-Smart celebrated it’s 20th anniversary this week
Y-Smart new referral form
We are now using one referral form for all our service users.
Y-Project is about supporting children and young people where substances have played a part in their childhood through a relatives use. Here’s an article by one of the young people we supported.
Legal Highs – a poem
One of the great things about working at Y-Smart is working with the most creative and inspirational young people. One young person who we supported set about putting their thoughts about Legal Highs (NPS) down on paper.
A young person’s story (age 15)
A young person share’s their story with one of our workers.