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Youth – Substance Misuse, Advice, Recovery, Treatment

Respect Festival 2024

Y-Smart dusted off the gazebo and headed to Belmont Park this weekend to take part in the fabulous Exeter Respect Festival. With the festival holding the tagline “All Different, All Equal,” this felt like a great place for us to set up our stall and tell the people of Exeter what Y-Smart does and how we help young people and their families around the county. Each day was supported by two of our amazing practitioners who were sporting the new festival T-shirts. We held a prize draw, which saw lots of people coming and chatting to us to take part via our drug and alcohol quiz. The quiz looked at units of alcohol as well as the law around drugs and the effects drugs can have on the body. We had some brilliant chats with people across the weekend and sampled as many different foods as possible!

Y-Smart festival stall with workers

One of the resources we brought with us was the Beer Goggles. This is usually used in our class room work with young people but we found there were a lot of adults who were keen to have a go as well as young people. We set up a line on the ground with our safety tape and asked people to walk along the line whilst wearing the goggles. This allowed us to raise the subject of how difficult seemingly trivial tasks become when your perception is impacted by a substance.

Man wearing beer goggles

Remember if you are a young person in Devon that needs support around drugs and alcohol then get in touch via our Contact Page.
