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Youth – Substance Misuse, Advice, Recovery, Treatment

Other support available

Drug and alcohol support services


Addaction (now called With You) is an adult alcohol service that aims to help transform the lives of people affected by drug and alcohol problems by offering a wide range of services in England and Scotland.


The mission of Adfam is to improve the quality of life for families affected by drug and alcohol use. It is committed to ensuring families stay on local and national policy agendas. The vision is that all families affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol use should be able to access the support they require, with a commitment to working until this is a reality. Adfam helps to ensure that the needs of families are accounted for on various forums, steering groups and advisory bodies.

Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD)

The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) is an independent expert body that advises government on drug-related issues in the UK.

Angelus Foundation

Angelus Foundation has the aim to educate, encourage and assist individuals to be more knowledgeable about the risks to their health and wellbeing of using ‘legal highs’ and other harmful social substances, including alcohol, in order that they may be ever more responsible for the choices they make and, as a result, lead more wholesome and safer lives.

ARA‘s (Addiction Recovery Agency)

ARA‘s (Addiction Recovery Agency) Community Recovery Services are based in central Bristol, providing support for people who want to become abstinent from problematic drug and alcohol use. Services comprise structured treatment and supported housing designed to support clients on their recovery journey.

Cannabis Skunk Sense (CanSS)

Cannabis Skunk Sense (CanSS) is a registered charity currently run and funded principally by volunteers. Its mission is to raise awareness of the continuing and growing threat to children, teenagers and their families, posed by cannabis use.  The Charity was born out of the desperation of parents with children suffering from behavioural and mental problems as a result of drug taking: typically cannabis.

CheckPoint of Torbay

CheckPoint aims to promote and safeguard the well-being of children and young people aged up to 22 who need help and support with housing, health, relationships, drug and alcohol use and those who have run away from home or who have been forced to leave home.

Community for Recovery

Community for Recovery is a new website which can give you help and support if you misuse any of the following products, or if someone you know misuses them: gases, aerosols, petrol, glues, solvents, poppers, laughing gas… they’re there to help. It has been set up by Re-Solv and Solve It, who are the two UK agencies that work to prevent volatile substance abuse (‘VSA’) and support all those whose lives are affected by it.

Devon Drug Services

Devon Drug Services (adult drug service), was EDP Drug and Alcohol Services, works with people across Devon and Dorset who have, or are affected by, drug and alcohol problems; and also works both in the community and in prisons. Improving the quality of life and opening doors for people affected by substance misuse so they can improve their lives and those of their families and communities.


Drinkaware aims to change the UK’s drinking habits for the better, by promoting responsible drinking and finding innovative ways to challenge the national drinking culture to help reduce alcohol misuse and minimise alcohol-related harm. An independent, UK-wide charity, supported by voluntary donations from across the drinks industry to equip people with the knowledge they need to make decisions about how much they drink.


DrinkIQ is a global resource designed to help you make responsible choices about drinking: or not drinking.


The objective of Druglink is to make a significant and positive impact on the lives of those misusing drugs & alcohol, their families and the communities in which they live, by providing a diverse and responsive range of services.


DrugScope is a UK charity supporting professionals working in drug and alcohol treatment, drug education and prevention, and criminal justice. It is an independent centre of expertise on drugs; the national membership organisation for the drug field and also the primary source of independent information on drugs and drug related issues.


FRANK helps you find out everything you might want to know about drugs (and some stuff you don’t). For friendly, confidential advice, Talk to FRANK.


Harbour, of Plymouth, will help anyone, including family and friends, affected by the misuse of drugs and alcohol by providing information, education, assessment and care co-ordination. It manages community based treatment services and works together with other services, voluntary, private and public, to see that every available option to address individual needs is explored.

Harm Reduction International

Harm Reduction International is largest global harm reduction association and is one of the leading international sources of research, policy and legal analysis and advocacy on harm reduction and drug policy reform.

National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (NTA)

National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (NTA) is a National Health Service special health advisory, established to improve the availability, capacity and effectiveness of drug treatment in England with the aim of helping to people overcome their addiction and regain their lives.


Re-Solv is the longest serving national charity solely dedicated to the prevention of solvent and volatile substance abuse.

Solv It

Solv It provides a dedicated service to young people, adults, professionals and organisations that promote understanding, awareness and education of the consequences of volatile substance abuse, working towards the prevention of related deaths, illness, accidents, crime and the impact such abuse has on the family and community, enabling a safer and healthy environment


YZUP offers support, information and advice about drugs and alcohol to young people under 19yrs, throughout Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
