Testimonials Testimonials “I thought Y-SMART was excellent. She immediately built a great rapport with my son and was consistent and supportive. She really helped him. He is now drug free and so much happier and healthier and on a much better path.” Feedback from young people “Y-SMART helped me with understanding about the after-effects of drugs and what they do mentally. My worker was easy to talk to, and I don’t like talking to people. One time I was really grumpy, but we got through that.” “Really helpful and great at listening to me, very understanding. Thank you for being there and helping me improve and move forward in life.” Feedback from parents and carers “My son has had a recent assessment of ASD, he has always difficulty talking to people. Now he has a good understanding of the risks involved especially surrounding people he might mix with. We have seen a improvement in his behaviour since he cut down his cannabis use substantially.” “This service has changed so much in such a positive way. I felt involved and included when you worked with my child. I cannot begin to express how thankful I am for the involvement and support we have received. It has been a positive experience. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.” Feedback from professionals “Y-SMART has been brilliant for our student, and he is more comfortable talking about substance abuse with his trusted adults at school.” Phoenix Learning “The YP’s alcohol usage seems to have eased greatly and they seemed to enjoy and benefit from their sessions with their YSMART worker.”Young Devon “Y-SMART’s involvement has had a very positive impact on one of our students. The Y-SMART worker was a steady, calming, reliable influence.” Primary School